46. Ensure strong nature conservation
Excerpt from government statement
The decline in biodiversity and the weakening of ecosystems, environmental pollution and the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources are equally important challenges. The government is committed to strong nature conservation. Efforts in the above-mentioned areas will be stepped up in order to preserve the natural foundations of our society and meet the challenges posed by the climate, biodiversity and pollution crises.
Strong nature protection with pragmatic and understandable rules
The biodiversity crisis is a major threat to our society and the Government will ensure that the measures and international commitments set out in the3rd National Nature Conservation Plan (PNPN3) and the3rd River Basin Management Plan are implemented consistently.
The Government will promote an ambitious legislative and regulatory framework that guarantees a high level of protection for the natural environment. The resulting requirements must be clear, precise, proportionate, effective, transparent and comprehensible. Margins for interpretation must be avoided.
Status of implementation/Meco commentary
To date, no truly relevant innovations have been presented.