- Only statements in areas that the Mouvement Ecologique (actively) works on and accordingly also pursues, or which are particularly welcome from a sustainability perspective, were included;
- General statements that actually represent a certain social consensus were not included, partly because their implementation is difficult to evaluate in some cases;
- In addition, only instruments and measures that are formulated so specifically that an ‘evaluation’ of implementation can also take place were included;
- The mecoscope is intended to reflect a certain diversity: for this reason, a mix of specific and sometimes technical instruments was considered, as well as more fundamental measures/reform projects whose implementation can be evaluated.
- The various aspects of ecological sustainability should be reflected.
- Since the number of promises taken into account should remain manageable, priority was given to important ones that meet the above criteria. Measures whose implementation is so obvious that they should actually be a matter of course in the day-to-day business of a government were not included.
The range of measures adopted in the mecoscope should allow a general assessment to be made of the government’s work in the area of sustainable development, based on the diversity of the measures. This goes beyond an evaluation of the implementation of the individual measures.